its now been 11 days since you passed away mam, it still hurts when i know that i canot pop and see you or even ring you. i look at piper only 7 weeks old smiling and growing and it hurts you carnt share this with me. im still thinking of you all the time mam, i get lost in pictures of you and forget that youre gone but i know that your by my side always. i love you mamxxx
9th February 2009
I miss you so so much mam. I just canot believe that your'e gone. i need you so much mam. i need you here to stop this pain. I'd do anything just for one last kiss and cuddle with you. You're my best friend forever and always mam and i wont let Taylor and Piper forget you ever. I love you mamxxxxxxx
31st January 2009
Thank you for setting up this memorial to Bernadette Sweeney.
We hope that you find it a positive experience developing the site and that it becomes a place of comfort and inspiration for you to visit whenever you want or need to.
31st January 2009